@article{oai:shiga-u.repo.nii.ac.jp:00008401, author = {鍋倉, 聰}, issue = {第404号}, journal = {彦根論叢}, month = {Jun}, note = {Departmental Bulletin Paper, The aims of this sociological study is to examine the social process to realize the unprecedented society where more than eighty percent of the population must live in public housing estates under the public housing authority of the Housing and Development Board (HDB) in Singapore, and to explore the interaction between the nation and the state. Interaction and struggle have existed between the housing authority and the estate residents, and this has had a direct relation on nationbuilding in Singapore. As the first step forward, this paper focuses on the public housing estates developed by Singapore Improvement Trust (SIT), which was the predecessor of HDB and operating from 1927 to 1960. An examination of earlier research on SIT reveals that no sociological studies have been conducted on SIT, but there was a study done in the field of public administration that compared SIT and HDB, with the formulation that SIT was inferior to HDB, an organization that has contributed to the nation-building and success of Singapore. This formulation is same as the one created by HDB, and has become absolute in a society where most of the population must live in estates under HDB. However, the fieldwork undertaken by the author on the SIT flats that remain reveals that they continue to serve as very good housing and are excellent places to reside. Some literature on the SIT flats demolished by HDB also indicate that they were very good to live in. Many Singaporeans also express concern about the housing, and some interesting movements are occurring there now. To grasp the work of SIT it is necessary to maintain a distance from the absolute formulati on and exami n e i t in d e ta i l u s ing contemporary materials of those days when the housing estates were being developed by SIT. This will help examine the process of developing public housing estates in Singapore and take a step forward in the sociological study of the interaction between the nation and the state., 彦根論叢, 第404号, pp. 16-31, The Hikone Ronso, No.404, pp. 16-31}, pages = {16--31}, title = {シンガポールにおける「総団地化社会」成立の諸過程に関する社会学研究に向けた一考察 : シンガポール改良信託団地から}, year = {2015} }