@article{oai:shiga-u.repo.nii.ac.jp:00001765, author = {Hara, Hirokazu and Nishikawa, Naomi and Sugimoto, Tomoki and Ueda, Eriko}, issue = {56}, journal = {滋賀大学教育学部紀要, 3, 自然科学}, month = {}, note = {Departmental Bulletin Paper, Four different compositions, i. e., a mixture of magnesium and palladium nitrate,magnesium nitrate, palladium nitrate both dissolved in nitric acid, and magnesium nitratedissolved in pure water, were examined at high (1000ppm) and low (100ppm) concentrationsfor the suitability as the matrix modifier for the determination of aluminum in Seta Riverwater. For the determination, the standard addition method was employed and the slopesof the graph calculated by the peak-height mode and the peak-area mode were comparedto those of pure water. The chemical interference, evaluated as the ratio of these slopes,was smaller in the peak-area mode except for the 100ppm palladium. The matrix modifiersolutions containing palladium have a tendency to shorten the life of a pyrocoatedgraphite cuvette. The peak profile from the matrix modifiers containing nitric acid wasoften distorted at the initial rising part. We concluded that magnesium nitrate dissolvedin pure water (1000ppm) was the most appropriate matrix modifier for the determination ofaluminum in Seta River water from among the tested modifier solutions, although thechemical interference was not completely removed., 滋賀大学教育学部紀要, 3, 自然科学, 第56号, pp.11-23}, pages = {11--23}, title = {Comparison of Matrix Modifier for the Determination of Aluminum in Seta River Water by Graphite Furnace Atomic Absorption Spectrometry with Polarized Zeeman Background Correction}, year = {2006} }