@article{oai:shiga-u.repo.nii.ac.jp:00001709, author = {鈴木, 紀雄 and 河原, 聡子 and 辻井, 和代 and 愛知, 郁子 and 三矢, 艶子 and 二宮, 典子}, issue = {47}, journal = {滋賀大学教育学部紀要, 3, 自然科学}, month = {}, note = {Departmental Bulletin Paper, It was investigated that how the methods for Formica japonica to inform the location of a bait to his mate are differ according to the variety of food. The ants are getting mainly nector in spring and getting mainly small piece of animals such as a grasshopper and cricket in summer and autum as a refrecting a natural distribution of food.    As the location of plants with nector does not move it is an effective communication for ant to inform the location of food to mate. However, in the case of a piece of animal bait which moves around by ant's carring bait or animal moving itself it is meaningless to inform the location of food to his mate as the location of food does move. Therefore ants getting animal bait move around the bait with complicated movement known as "pedal movement". It stimulates their mate to come to the bait. The other side, ants getting nector memorized the direction and the distance from thier nest to the location of bait and comming to the bait any number of times.  The information mechanism transmitted by ant change according to the variety of food.    If ant sucks a liquefied nector and come back to his nest the ant memorize the direction and distance to location of food. If ant gets a piece of animal bait and try to carry the bait with his mouth the ant is going to move around the bait to call his mate. Ant collecting nector are able to inform the accurate position of food and many ants participate to collect the food in short time. It is effectively collecting method even if individual doses not collect a lot of food. On the other hand, even if ant collecting animal bait does not effective to inform the location of food and many ants do not coming to collect the animal bait, he can get enough food because he can carry a large food., 滋賀大学教育学部紀要, 3, 自然科学, 第47号, pp.47-58}, pages = {47--58}, title = {クロヤマアリ(Formica japonica)の採餌行動にみられる情報処理 : (2)餌の種類による情報伝達様式の相違}, year = {1997} }